- Martin shared his presentation on the topic of 'Ham Radio Beacons' - most excellent!
- There was a door prize drawing for stuff Alan found while cleaning up the ham shack. Thanks, Alan!
- The minutes for the meeting recorded by Ken (KW5KEN) can be found at the 'Meetings' tab at the top of this page.
- Martin reports that the BVARC hamfest sales at the OFARC table were good and we have an extra $411 in donations to show for it!
- At the March meeting, Roger (K0KON) plans to share his experiences while preparing for and participating in a DXpedition some years back.
- Finally, a young scout stumbled upon our webpage and suggested that we provide a link about soldering, something of general interest to all hams and makers: How to solder metal.
- Contact Mark if you are interested in license exam testing. Also, see the "Exam Sessions" link above for more information.
- If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on and I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!! Please include your callsign in the photo. Images submitted so far can be found here!
- If you'd like to be added to our email reflector and share in the dialog between club members and local area hams, send me a request.