Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - KE5TRB
Houston, Texas

  Weekly net on Tuesdays, 8:00 PM US Central Time • Local repeater 145.17 MHz (-) PL 123 • Echolink node 5551 on the KA5QDG Repeater - Thanks Wayne!

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NOTICE: The OFARC May Meeting will be on May 22nd, at 9:00 am.

The next OAK FOREST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB meeting will be held on May 22nd, 2021.  We will now meet at Canyon Creek Cafe, 6603 Westcott, Houston 77007 (near the southwest intersection of I-10 and Washington Ave.) for breakfast at 7:45AM, followed by the meeting at the Houston TranStar Building (west entrance) starting 9:00AM.  Yeah!!  We are limited to 29 attendees, will be required to mask up and get temperature-screened at the door.  We are working out the details to be able to setup a camera and michrophone in the conference center to link up with Zoom participants.  A Zoom invitation will be sent out the day before in the usual way.


  • Our April meeting had 13 checkins!   The minutes captured by Mark (WB5ANN), can be found at the yellow "Meetings" link above. There were 3 presentations:
        1) Ionosonde - ionospheric radar - Mark (WB5ANN)
        2) FieldDay 2021
        3) SuitSat video from the International Space Station
    Links to all 3 presentations can be found at the yellow "Downloads" link above.
  • License exam testing has been a challenge but we've had a some success in continuing to offer this service to the community.  Here are some photos of our prior testing events.  We plan to resume indoor testing at TranStar during our next monthly meeting in May.  Also, see the "Exam Sessions" and "Events" tabs above for more information, including directions to our outdoor testing site.  Unfortunately, you will be paying an additional $35 for applications in the near future.
  • If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on and I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!!  Please include your callsign in the photo.  Images submitted so far can be found here!


©2021 Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - May 2nd edition. Webhack contact: KG5IRR