Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - KE5TRB
Houston, Texas

  Weekly net on Tuesdays, 8:00 PM US Central Time • Local repeater 145.17 MHz (-) PL 123 • Echolink node 5551 on the KA5QDG Repeater - Thanks Wayne!

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NOTICE: The OFARC April Meeting will be on Apr. 24th, at 9:00 am.

The April OAK FOREST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB face-to-face meeting has been cancelled due to Covid-19 social distancing directives (no surprise).  We've been notified that all public meetings at the TranStar facility are cancelled until further notice.  We're planning to hold the 4/24 Zoom video conference starting at 9:00 am.  Club members and guests will receive an email invitation to the Zoom meeting no later than the evening of 4/23.  Checkin via the 2m repeater is not required but we'll be monitoring to assist you if you are having trouble starting the Zoom session.  Following the normal club business, there will be a presentation, topic TBD.

To get started with Zoom, download the appropriate application (runs on windows, mac, iphone, ipad and android) starting here.  For Linux platforms, start here.  I again appeal to Dave (WB5HJV) to schedule the zoom meeting for us.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.


  • Our March meeting had 19 checkins!  Our new officers conducted the meeting without a hitch!  The minutes captured by Mark (WB5ANN), can be found at the yellow "Meetings" link above. There were 3 presentations:
        1) Emergency Power on a Budget - Ralph (KE5HDF)
        2) 2m Repeater Repair - Mark (KB5ANN)
        3) DX Commander deployment and operation on Winter FieldDay - Stephen (W2WF)
    All 3 presentations can be found at the yellow "Downloads" link above.
  • License exam testing has been a challenge but we've had a some success in continuing to offer this service to the community.  Here are some photos of our prior testing events.  Also, see the "Exam Sessions" and "Events" tabs above for more information, including directions to our outdoor testing site.  Unfortunately, you will be paying an additional $35 for applications in the near future.
  • If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on and I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!!  Please include your callsign in the photo.  Images submitted so far can be found here!


©2021 Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - Mar 30th edition. Webhack contact: KG5IRR