- Our last meeting was held on Febuary, 19th via Zoom as planned. Stephen (W2WF) hosted the meeting along with 16 others in attendance. The primary topic of our the meeting was election of officers. Ralph (KE5HDF) was elected president for 2022. Jeremy (KG5PYY) will serve another term as VP. Mark (WB8ANN) will continue as Secretary, Treasurer, and VE Admin. We also watched Orlando Hamcation videos, mostly concerning commercial antennas. Stephen presented a progess report on his goal to learn morse code with help from the Long Island CW club. Keep up the good work, Stephen! All is available for you to watch on our youTube channel here.
- Breakfast with Hal was another success. We mused that there was a 33% increase in attendance over last month's meeting!
- Since meeting places are uncertain at this time, contact Mark if you are interested in License exam testing. Also, see the "Exam Sessions" link above for more information.
- If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on and I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!! Please include your callsign in the photo. Images submitted so far can be found here!
- If you'd like to be added to our email reflector and share in the dialog between club members and local area hams, send me a request.