Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - KE5TRB
Houston, Texas

  Weekly net on Tuesdays, 8:00 PM US Central Time • Local repeater 145.17 MHz (-) PL 123 • Echolink node 5551 on the KA5QDG Repeater - Thanks Wayne!

Amateur Radio Headline News

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Ham Radio Update
Ham Weekly Archive

NOTICE: The OFARC December Christmas luncheon will be on Dec. 12th, at 2:00 pm.

In spite of the pandemic, we've had a overwhelming interest in continuing our Christmas tradition to hold a Chirstmas luncheon.  The luncheon will be held at the Spaghetti Western Restaurant (1608 Shepherd Dr.) on December 12th at 2:00pm.  If you'd like to join us, please RSVP to me so I can get an accurate head count.


  • In our November Zoom meeting our guest speaker, John Stratton (N5AUS) our ARRL West Gulf Division Vice Director, gave us an update on HOA restriction proposals, spectrum defense, and license fees.  This was a special treat and he's agreed to talk again upon request!  Thanks go out to, Mark (WB5ANN) for setting this up.
  • In addition, Stephen (W2WF) walked us through his youTube review and construction of his multiband vertical antenna (The DX Commander).  His youTube video can be found here.  Welcome back to the states, Stephen!
  • License exam testing has been a challenge but we've had a some success in continuing to offer this service to the community.  Here are some photos of our prior testing events.   Also, see the "Exam Sessions" link above for more information, including directions to our outdoor testing site.
  • If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on and I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!!  Please include your callsign in the photo.  Images submitted so far can be found here!


©2020 Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club - Nov 29th edition. Webhack contact: KG5IRR