The June OAK FOREST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB face-to-face meeting has been cancelled due to Covid-19 social distancing directives. We've been notified that all public meetings at the TranStar facility are cancelled until further notice. We're planning to hold the 6/27 Zoom video conference starting at 9:00 am. Club members will receive an email invitation to the Zoom meeting in the evening of 6/26. Checkin via the 2m repeater is not required but we'll be monitoring to assist you if you are having trouble starting the Zoom session. Following the normal club business, I will start the presentaion.
To get started with Zoom, download the appropriate application (runs on windows, mac, iphone, ipad and android) starting here. For Linux platforms, start here. I again appeal to Dave (WB5HJV) to schedule the zoom meeting for us. The agenda for the meeting is here. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.
- In our May Zoom meeting, we watched and reviewed two youTube videos on the subject of Antennas followed by a demonstration of EZNEC demo antenna modeling software. For more information, links, etc., see the slide deck provided here
- There will *not* be any VE testing nor Field Day activity at the Glenshire Community Center as previously announced. If you are interested in taking an exam, Mark had suggested administering exams in "drive through" fashion at his home or perhaps a nearby park. If you are insterested in taking ARRL exam or would like to help out as a VE, please contact Mark at WB5ANN.
- After we conclude our video conference meeting, we will break away to do our own thing to participate in Field Day activities. Most of us will be operating Class D from our homes. The rules for FD2020 can be found here and here. I suggest that we be very careful with regards to wording/spelling the "affiliate club" in your FD log submissions - QSO log submissions should state our club precisely as "Oak Forest Amateur Radio Club".
- If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on an I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!! Please include your callsign in the photo. Images submitted so far can be found here!