The May OAK FOREST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB face-to-face meeting has been cancelled due to Covid-19 social distancing directives. We've been notified that all public meetings at the TranStar facility are cancelled until further notice. We're planning to hold the 4/23 meeting on the 2m repeater (145.17MHz) starting at 9:00 am. To expedite the checkin process, you may send a checkin email to Hal at (KG5OIR) starting at 8:50 am. Hal will roll-call from the email list and then accept additional checkins via echolink and radio. Following the normal club business, I will send an email to club members inviting you to join our video conference meeting. We'll be using the Zoom application again (runs on windows, mac, iphone, ipad and android) and it would be wise to download the application beforehand. For Linux platforms, start here. I appeal to Dave (WB5HJV) to schedule the zoom meeting for us. The agenda for the meeting is here. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.
- In our April zoom meeting, we watched and reviewed three youTube videos on the subject of power supplies with plenty of discussion and clarification along the way. You may want to re-watch them at your leisure or perhaps see them for the first time (if you missed our meeting). Here are the links that will take you there:
- Our VE team continues to have discussions about how to administer exams. The most likely scenario is to proctor the exams face-to-face during Field Day, keeping safe distances, wearing masks, etc. Our Field Day event will likely take place at the Glenshire Community Center, as was done last year. If you are interested in taking an exam or helping out as a VE, please contact Ralph at KE5HDF.
- If you have a photo of your ham shack or favorite operating location, please send it on an I'll post them for all our members see... and comment!! Please include your callsign in the photo. Images submitted so far can be found here!